Ku-Wan and Fu-Wan
Ku-Wan and Fu-Wan
Ku-Wan and Fu-Wan

Ku-Wan and Fu-Wan (2011)

Designed for Kodomo Mono Koto (www.codomonocoto).
The scene of eating with good posture, holding up a bowl of rice with one hand and placing it in one’s mouth with chopsticks, is an everyday scene that reminds us of dignified traditional Japanese culture. We wanted to pass on to our children what we have inherited from generation to generation through our eating habits, naturally.
The “kuwan” was made by Azuma Pottery in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and the “fuwan” was made by Nakaji Studio in Yamanaka, another lacquerware production area in Ishikawa Prefecture. They are involved in the selection of the makers, product design, and distribution.